1st Call for Dissemination Conference Grants

The 1st Call for Dissemination Conference Grants of CYPHER – CA22151 accepts applications to be submitted from May 15th to June 12th for the period from June 1st, 2024, to September 30th, 2024.

Dissemination Conference Grants support the participation of Action participants to high-level conferences to present the work of the Action. Currently, CYPHER calls for Dissemination Conference Grants applications targeting participation at conferences that will take place before September 30th 2024. The call is continuous.

These grants:

  • will help increase the visibility of the Action in the research community, and will contribute to increasing the visibility of the presenter;
  • will attract additional participants and stakeholders by facilitating the dissemination of Action results to relevant end-users at high-profile Conferences in the field on a topic relevant to the Action.

Who can apply?

The applicant must make an oral/poster presentation at the conference in question and must be listed in the official event/conference program. The main subject of the oral presentation / poster presentation / speech at the approved conference must be on the topic of the Action and must acknowledge COST. Any member of the CYPHER COST action is eligible to apply.

How to apply?

All applications must be submitted directly through the eCOST System. If you do not have an eCOST Account yet, please create one. Within eCOST you will need to create a “Conference Grant Request”.

To apply for this call, follow the steps below:

  • Obtain the agreement of the host institution.
  • The applicant should start an STSM application by logging into e-COST: https://e-services.cost.eu/
  • Go to COST Actions, on the left panel.
  • Go to Grant Applications, again, on the left panel.
  • Click on the “+ Apply for grant” button located on the bottom right.
  • Select the Dissemination Conference grant.
  • Select the COST Action CA22151.
  • Fill in the required information.
  • Save the information.

You will need to submit the following documents:

  • Conference Grant application form (you can download this through the system).
  • CV (including a list of academic publications, if any).
  • Short description of your involvement in the CYPHER COST Action.
  • Acceptance letter from the conference organisers (confirming either your speaking slot or your poster presentation).
  • A copy of the abstract or poster submitted to the conference.

Finally, click on the “Submit the application” button.

Application Timeline

🎤 Open of call: May 15th 2024, 00:00 AM Brussels Time.

🛑 Deadline for application: June 12th 2024, 12:00 PM Brussels time.

🗓️ The conference must take place until September 30th 2024.

📝Reports must be submitted by October 30th 2024.

Eligibility Criteria

All applications will be assessed against the following criteria of scientific merit:

  • Does the conference (or topic of the panel etc.) fall within the scope of CYPHER?
  • Is the topic of the conference likely to contribute substantially to the debates within the Action?
  • Is the proposal internally coherent, logical, and clearly structured?
  • Is the presentation likely to make a significant contribution to the candidate’s scientific and professional development?

Preference will be given to papers being submitted to conferences with competitive peer review.

Gender balance will be taken into account.

The selection committee will also consider to what extent the requested funds are commensurate to the activities that the applicant plans to undertake.

Financial Support

A Conference Grant is a fixed financial contribution which takes into consideration the budget request of the applicant and the outcome of the evaluation of the application by the delegated person(s). Conference Grants do not necessarily cover all the expenses related to participating in a given conference. A Conference Grant is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the selected Grantee.

Max 1.500€ for face-to-face events, including Conference Fees.

Documentary evidence of the conference fee amount must be provided by the applicant and in kind, must be archived by the Grant Holder along with the relevant administrative documents.

Receiving Your Grant

If you have been selected as a Dissemination Conference Grant Recipient, you will receive your grant after the conference. After your conference, the eCOST System will automatically ask you to submit a Scientific Report, which you need to provide within 30 days after the Conference has ended. We will send the grant to your bank account once your scientific report has been approved.

In addition, we will ask you to present the results of your conference grant at the next Management Committee meeting or to write a short blog entry for our website. Please remember to ask someone to take a picture of you during your presentation so that we can showcase your involvement on our website and in our newsletter (with your prior consent, of course).


The COST Association and the Grant Holder of the Action cannot to be considered as being a grantee’s employer. Grantees must make their own arrangements for all provisions related to personal security, health, taxation, social security and pension matters.

For questions, please feel free to contact the Grant Awarding Coordinator: Aurélie Bellemans or contact us at cypher.costaction@gmail.com

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientist to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
funded by european union

COST Action CA22151

MoU - 061/23
CSO Approval date – 12/05/2023
Start date – 20/10/2023
End date - 19/10/2027
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