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Conference Grants

These grants provide financial assistance to cover the costs associated with conference attendance, including registration fees, travel expenses, and accommodation.

CYPHER aims to ensure broader representation and participation in international events, thereby enriching the overall discourse and collaboration within the scientific community.

Dissemination Conference Grants

The objective is to provide financial assistance to attend conferences and deliver an oral presentation regarding the Action activities, objectives, and results.

ITC Conference Grants

ITC Conference Grants within CYPHER are intended to support researchers and professionals from Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs) to attend international conferences, workshops, or seminars to present their work related to the COST Action's thematic focus.


1st Call for ITC Conference Grants 

The 1st Call for ITC Conference Grants of CYPHER accepts applications to be submitted from May 6th to May 31st for the period from June 1st, 2024 to September 30th, 2024.  ITC Conference Grants are aimed at supporting Early Career Investigator and PhD [...]
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COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientist to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
funded by european union

COST Action CA22151

MoU - 061/23
CSO Approval date – 12/05/2023
Start date – 20/10/2023
End date - 19/10/2027
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