On 1st November, CYPHER celebrated its first birthday and marked the beginning of Grant Period 2!
This first year has been a fantastic journey of building connections and organizing great activities together. In this article, we’ll provide a brief overview of our achievements, the lessons we’ve learned, and an exciting preview of what we are planning for next year.
CYPHER in numbers:
We’ve had a great year in CYPHER, with over 300 members! Our Management Committee comprises 62 people from 34 countries, 58% of whom represent ITC countries. Additionally, many other members from ITC countries actively participate in various working groups, and and in the next Grant Periods, we will work to get more involved. We’re proud to note that over 60% of our COST Action participants are Young Researchers (under 40), reflecting our commitment to supporting early-career scientists. Furthermore, 26% of our members are women. While there’s still work to be done for gender equity, especially considering that only about 10% of researchers in Combustion are women, we’re pleased with our progress and remain dedicated to increasing this number.
The distribution of members within the CYPHER COST Action
Recap of the year:
In April, we hosted our 1st General Meeting in Ljubljana, thanks to Tine Seljak and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana. It was a great event, that brought together more than 120 people from 36 countries, 71 posters, and some engaging keynote lectures and roundtable discussions.
In September, we had our 1st Training School on “Machine Learning for Reacting Flows” with more than 40 participants. This was followed by a great Workshop on “Digital Twins for Decarbonizing Hard-to-abate Industries”.
We also launched 2 calls for Grants, with 13 grantees: 7 STSM grants, 4 Dissemination Conference Grants and 2 ITC Conference Grants.
Events: updates are shared from multiple channels. Provide participants clearer information about event schedules and changes.
Reimbursement procedures: more clearer and comprehensive Guidelines were redacted. Also, a 5 minutes introductory presentation helps attendees to fill their claims more effectively.
Registration Process: need for a more streamlined registration and payment procedures. Reduce complexity and make the process smoother.
Poster and Oral balance: combine poster and oral presentations to offer a more dynamic and engaging experience.
What’s Next?
Next year promises even more exciting events: we’ll have multiple Working Group meetings, a second General Meeting in Krakow, another Training School, and much more! Stay tuned to our LinkedIn page for updates.
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientist to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.